Date: Thursday 9th February 2017
Time: 5.30pm – 7.45pm
Bring: Coins for sausage sizzle, drinks, ice creams or your own picnic dinner
Classroom Orientations: Start at 6.00pm
Hello again to all Sunnyhills School families!

The teachers would like to take the opportunity, as they did last year, to let the parents/caregivers of the students in their class know about aspects the class programme. They will also cover routines and expectations appropriate to the year level. These short (approximately 15-20 minutes) information sessions will be staggered across the evening to allow for attendance at more than one if required. This is not a one on one interview situation. Home/School partnership discussions regarding individual students will take place in Week 3.
Classroom orientation information - Please make your way to your children's class at the following times:
Senior School classes at 6pm
Junior School at 6.30pm
Middle School at 7pm.
During this time, teachers from the syndicates not involved will be in the playground supervising the Sunnyhills children from all syndicates. For health and safety reasons, we ask that you take pre-schoolers with you or organise cover for them with a friend. If the picnic is cancelled due to bad weather, the information sessions will still take place for adults only, at the times indicated above.
We ask that children do not use their bikes or scooters at the picnic to avoid accidents when there are so many little ones around.
PTA members will be easy to identify, so please introduce yourselves to us – we look forward to meeting you on Thursday evening.
If you are able to help over the course of the evening with cooking or serving please complete the following form by clicking on the following link -
See you at the picnic!
Sunnyhills School PTA
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