It was a very positive meeting with a lot discussed and the start of our planning for fundraising in 2016.
The PTA Committee in discussion.
The PTA are proud to be supporting the Board of Trustees with the upgrade of the schools senior courtyard which will be turned into an exciting new learning hub for all our students.
Here is what was discussed:
Replacement of girls gymnastic uniforms - the school does not currently have enough girls leotards to go around the whole squad, which means they need to be swapped after the morning session. The PTA are looking at purchasing a total set of 50 uniforms which would mean each gymnastic squad member would have their own uniform for the duration of the competition day. Costs and Quotes to be obtained and presented to the PTA in 2016.
Edible Gardens Update - Thank you to Will Harvey "The Local Digger Guy" who has been to have a look at what needs to be done to clear a space before the garden boxes can be put in - he will be donating free of charge his time to the school to complete the digging. A group of parents will put together the planter boxes. The PTA is donating $10,000 towards this project from sales of the 2014 Sunnyhills School Cookbook 'A bite of Sunnyhills'
Board of Trustees Report -
Senior Courtyard Upgrade - We were delighted to hear the upgrade is to commence in December 2015. The upgrade will be done two stages:
Stage 1: Includes: clearing existing area, ground work, decking and structural foundations in preparation of stage 2. Funding is from the Board (School Donations received) and the PTA (fundraising).
Stage 2: Courtyard covered to transform into an all year round learning hub. Funding will be from the BOT and PTA. This stage is subject to additional funding from the PTA.
The PTA have approved to donate $70,000 to the Board to support the go ahead and completion of Stage 1. This money is made up from PTA fundraising that has been completed over the past couple of years.
The PTA all agreed to support the BOT with the completion of Stage 2, our aim is to raise an additional $60,000 in the remainder of 2015 from current chocolate fundraiser and 2016 fundraising efforts.
3 Year Strategic Plan – All the information from the community/teacher surveys have been collated and reviewed, with this information used to form our new 3 year strategic plan for the school.
Fundraising for 2016
Discussion and ideas session on fundraising for 2016 with the aim to raise $60,000 to support the Senior Courtyard Upgrade.
Watch this space new and exciting fundraising to happen in 2016.
For more information on how to join the PTA email
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