Thursday, 17 December 2015

Thank You

SUNNYHILLS SCHOOL PTA 2015 Chairperson’s newsletter

2015 has been a fantastic year for the Sunnyhills PTA and on behalf of the PTA I would like to thank our wonderful school community; dedicated teachers, staff and Board of Trustees, parents and students! 

 I would also like to thank the fabulous members of our PTA for all their hard work and efforts this year.  Because of these generous and active parents there is a strong PTA presence within our school.  This amazing group of parents volunteer their time to provide fun events for our children and our community.  These events include Disco nights, sausage sizzles, Mother’s Day Table, the very popular Father’s Day Breakfast and in 2015 we held our first ever family movie night. 

I’m really proud to say that your Sunnyhills School PTA is donating $70,000 to support the Board with stage 1 of the upgrade of the senior courtyard.  Next year we will be fundraising for stage 2 of the upgrade, covering the courtyard so it will be a year round learning space. As well as our usual fundraisers in 2016 we are also looking at holding a Golf day, fun run and an on line auction

I would like to acknowledge long standing PTA members Laura Beattie, Lorraine Lees and Nicky Adams.  It is their last year with children here and these wonderful ladies have given a huge amount of time and energy into supporting Sunnyhills School.  It has been a pleasure and a privilege working with you all.

On behalf of the PTA, I would especially like to thank Juliet for making Sunnyhills an amazing school experience for our kids in her time as principal.  Thank you for all your tremendous support and encouragement.  While Juliet has been principal the PTA has supported numerous projects throughout the school such as our fantastic garden trail, performing art suite, ICT equipment and, more recently, the edible garden initiative and kicking off the upgrade to the senior courtyard.   Juliet you are an inspiration to us all and will be sorely missed - we wish you all the very best at St Kentigerns girls school and in the years to come.

The PTA always welcomes new and enthusiastic members.  Come along to a meeting and find out how you can get involved.  Not only will you be helping out your school but being a part of the PTA is a wonderful way to get to know the families within your community.   If you are interested, please contact the PTA either by email: or join on-line

Finally I would like to wish you and your families a wonderful and safe Christmas and all the best for 2016.

Nicky Bardin
Chairperson Sunnyhills School PTA

Long standing PTA members who are leaving presented with a small token of the PTA's appreciation at the PTA Christmas Dinner 2015.

Left to right: Nicky Adams, Lorraine Lees, Laura Beattie and Nicky Bardin (PTA Chairperson)

Don't forget to check out the PTA end of year celebration video at

PTA Video - Celebrating 2015

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Sunnyhills School Cook Book for sale

"A great gift idea for Christmas"

Sunnyhills School Cookbook

"A bite of Sunnyhills"

Sunnyhills School Cookbook Cover.jpg


  • Professionally designed
  • Over 300 everyday favourite recipes
  • Amazing value at $25 each

Available to purchase at the School Office

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

PTA Second Hand Uniform Sales

The Sunnyhills PTA Second Hand Uniform team has a very limited stock available of the "new style" school uniform to on sell to families.

If you have items that you wish to be sold on your behalf or donate to the PTA, or if you know of families who have left the school who may have items to sell, please email details to 

For those wishing to buy uniform items, please also contact the PTA 2nd Hand Uniform Team via email and the team will check their stocks to see what is available.


The PTA are after the new style second hand uniform that are in good condition (no marks, rips, worn patches, all intact) including: 

Girls: Culottes, Skirts, Long Sleeve & Short Sleeve Blouses 
Boys: Long Pants, Shorts, Long Sleeve & Short Sleeve Shirts
PE shorts & PE shirt, 
Bomber Jackets, Jersey (with Sunnyhills Logo), 
New Rainproof Jacket & Hats

See school website for uniform information

We hope that the second hand uniform sales which are held in the school hall will take place again in 2016. Watch this space...

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Reminder Chocolate Money Due this Friday

Final day for returning chocolate money is 

Thank you for your support - we can't do it without you!

Monday, 9 November 2015

PTA Meeting Update - November

On Wednesday 4th November we had our last official meeting of the year as in December we go out for dinner at a local restaurant.  It was great to have Richard Snijders from The Board of Trustees, Sharon Knofflock and Sherie Newman from School attend the meeting and support the PTA initiatives.

It was a very positive meeting with a lot discussed and the start of our planning for fundraising in 2016.  

The PTA Committee in discussion.

The PTA are proud to be supporting the Board of Trustees with the upgrade of the schools senior courtyard which will be turned into an exciting new learning hub for all our students.

Here is what was discussed:

Replacement of girls gymnastic uniforms - the school does not currently have enough girls leotards to go around the whole squad, which means they need to be swapped after the morning session.  The PTA are looking at purchasing a total set of 50 uniforms which would mean each gymnastic squad member would have their own uniform for the duration of the competition day.  Costs and Quotes to be obtained and presented to the PTA in 2016.

Edible Gardens Update -  Thank you to Will Harvey "The Local Digger Guy" who has been to have a look at what needs to be done to clear a space before the garden boxes can be put in - he will be donating free of charge his time to the school to complete the digging.  A group of parents will put together the planter boxes.  The PTA is donating $10,000 towards this project from sales of the 2014 Sunnyhills School Cookbook 'A bite of Sunnyhills'

Board of Trustees Report - 

Senior Courtyard Upgrade - We were delighted to hear the upgrade is to commence in December 2015. The upgrade will be done two stages:

Stage 1: Includes: clearing existing area, ground work, decking and structural foundations in preparation of stage 2.  Funding is from the Board (School Donations received) and the PTA (fundraising).

Stage 2: Courtyard covered to transform into an all year round learning hub.  Funding will be from the BOT and PTA.  This stage is subject to additional funding from the PTA.

The PTA have approved to donate $70,000 to the Board to support the go ahead and completion of Stage 1.  This money is made up from PTA fundraising that has been completed over the past couple of years.   

The PTA all agreed to support the BOT with the completion of Stage 2, our aim is to raise an additional $60,000 in the remainder of 2015 from current chocolate fundraiser and 2016 fundraising efforts.

3 Year Strategic Plan – All the information from the community/teacher surveys have been collated and reviewed, with this information used to form our new 3 year strategic plan for the school.  

Fundraising for 2016

Discussion and ideas session on fundraising for 2016 with the aim to raise $60,000 to support the Senior Courtyard Upgrade.  

Watch this space new and exciting fundraising to happen in 2016.

For more information on how to join the PTA email

Thursday, 5 November 2015

The PTA are proud to be supporting the Sunnyhills School Edible Garden Project

Sunnyhills School

Funds raised from the 2014 Sunnyhills Cookbook 
"A bite of Sunyhills" are supporting this project.

Watch this space...

To this 

THE PTA thanks you for supporting your Sunnyhills Community.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

PTA Mufti Day tomorrow

Friday 6th November, 2015 

Come to school dressed in your favourite clothes.

Don't forget to bring your gold coin donation. 

All proceeds are going towards 
the upgrade of the Senior Courtyard. 

Thank you for your participation.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Chocolate Fundraiser - chocolates are being sent home today

Next PTA Meeting - All Welcome

A reminder that the next PTA meeting is:

When:  Wednesday 4th November

Time:    7.30pm

Where:     Sunnyhills School Staffroom

At this meeting the PTA will be discussing fundraising for 2016 {new ideas and planning }

We would love to see you there and hear your 
fundraising ideas.

Everyone is welcome :-)

Monday, 12 October 2015

New Families Morning Tea


To All New Families at Sunnyhills School

All new families to Sunnyhills School are invited to morning tea on

Friday 30th October 2015

from 9a.m.-10a.m. in the school staffroom.

Where morning tea will be provided by the P.T.A.

It will be a great opportunity to meet other new parents, 

Mrs Steel and Mrs Yates.

Members of the P.T.A. will be available 

to answer any questions you may have.

For catering purposes can you please RSVP at the Office by Tuesday 27th October if you are able to attend.

Hope you can join us.

PTA Photography Fundraiser - this Saturday

Appointments are still available if you would like family photographs done.

or visit: 



Sausage sizzle.PNGSausage sizzle.PNGSausage sizzle.PNGSausage sizzle.PNG

The PTA is holding its popular fund-raising sausage sizzle on Monday 19th October. 

Popcorn will also be available to purchase on the day (limited amount) for $1.50. Please bring $1.50 to the canteen at lunchtime (popcorn only). 

Meat and Vegetarian Sausages (in bread) are available for lunch at a cost of $1.50 each. Lemonade Ice blocks will also be available to purchase for $1.00 each.

For more information see the PTA Sausage Sizzle notice

Complete and return form and payment to school before Friday 16th October.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Next PTA Meeting - All Welcome

The PTA welcome you all back to term 4 and hope you had a lovely break over the school holidays.

A reminder that the next PTA meeting is:

When:  Wednesday 14th October

Time:    7.30pm

Where:     Sunnyhills School Staffroom

Everyone is welcome :-)

Thursday, 24 September 2015

End of Term




Calendar Fundraiser - orders due today

2016 Calendars - today is the last day to get your orders in for these.  You can find the order form at:

This term classrooms have been working on artwork for each child's individual design.  

Makes for an easy and creative Christmas gift. 

Delivery will be during of term 4.  

Thank you to the teaching staff for their wonderful creativity and assistance with this fundraiser.

PTA Photography Fundraiser 2015

Monday, 21 September 2015

How the PTA is Keeping in Touch with the School Community

The PTA feel it's important to keep in touch and communicate with the school community providing the latest PTA news and information.  Including up and coming fundraising and community events, updates on how these went, PTA meeting dates, helpers required for events, plus much more.

We have created a number of avenues for the school community to see what the PTA is up to: 


We now have this wonderful Blog.

Never miss out on what's happening. Subscribe to the Blog by entering your email address in the box under "Follow by Email" and follow the instructions to subscribe.  When a new post is up on the Blog you will be sent an email advising you of this.

We'd love to hear your feedback, please feel free to comment and share your thoughts on any of the Blog posts.


We have two PTA noticeboards which can be found outside Mrs Yates office and Room 10 - these are updated on a regular basis.


Look out for PTA information which is shared through the school newsletter.


We have a PTA page on the school website under "Our People/PTA"


If you would like to get in touch with us you can email us at:

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Look who visited...

At Friday's whole school assembly the children had a visitor...

Tickets are still available for the family movie night
Friday 11th September.

PTA Family Movie Night

On Friday 11th September 2015 the PTA will be hosting a Family Movie Night in the school hall. 

Come along, snuggle up on a picnic blanket and enjoy an evening together with your family and school friends.

Movie: Penguins of Madagascar - G rating

Date: Friday 11th September

Time: 6:30pm doors open, movie starts at 7pm

Cost: $10 per family or $20 for family movie ticket and Dominoes family pizza

For more information and form go to

Food available on the night to purchase:

Sausage sizzle
Dominoes Whole Pizza 


All children on the night must be accompanied by an adult.

Please return form and money by
WEDNESDAY 9th September

Please indicate number attending on the form as we are restricted on numbers in the hall due to Health and Safety. 

Thank you for supporting your Sunnyhills School Community

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Next PTA Meeting - all welcome

A reminder that the next PTA meeting is:

When:  Wednesday 2nd September,

Time:    7.30pm

Where:     Sunnyhills School Staffroom

Everyone is welcome :-)

Thursday, 20 August 2015



The PTA's popular Father's Day Breakfast community event 
is happening on: 

Friday 4th September 

in the School hall

from 7am to 8.30am.

Invite Dad, Granddad, Uncle or any other special male in your life to join you at school for a fantastic and healthy continental breakfast before heading into work for the day. 

There will be a variety of cereal, toasts, muffins, fruit, tea and coffee available. The cost for breakfast is $5.00 per person. Entry is with a ticket. 

Please bring your money in no later than
Monday 31st August 2015

See school notice for more information.

All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Mums, if you are available to help on the morning please provide your name & contact number on the notice form.

Thank you for supporting your Sunnyhills School Community 

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

PTA Fundraising Term 3

The PTA have a busy Term of Fundraising ahead with some great events happening! 

The PTA fundraising efforts are focused on supporting the Board of Trustees with the upgrade of the Senior Courtyard and raising $70,000 to contribute towards this.

The PTA's popular Father's Day Breakfast is happening on Friday 4th September in the school hall from 7am to 8.30am.  It is a chance for children to come along with their dad/grandfather/uncle/male carer and share a Continental breakfast together and see around school.

The PTA is holding a fundraising family movie night in the school hall, on Friday 11th September, doors open at 6.30pm with the movie "Penguins of Madagascar" to start at 7pm.  

Food is available for purchase on the night: Sausage Sizzle, Domino's Pizza, Popcorn, Chocolate and Drinks.  

Cost per family ticket is $10, with the option to pre order a family pizza for an additional $10.  

All children on the night must be accompanied by an adult.


This term classrooms will be working on artwork for each child's individual design.  

Look out for the order form that will be sent home towards the end of the term, dates for viewing of children's artwork will also be advised.  

Makes for an easy and creative Christmas gift. 

Delivery will be during of term 4.  

Thank you to the teaching staff for their wonderful creativity and assistance with this fundraiser.


The Whittaker's Chocolate Fundraiser is a great money earning fundraiser for the PTA.  Look out for delicious Whittaker's Chocolates coming home at the end of September.

 Thank you for supporting the PTA fundraising efforts.