Saturday, 29 April 2017

Welcome back - Term 2

Welcome back to term 2!  We hope you had a wonderful holiday.

This term we have a number of community and fundraising events planned.

Term 2 - 1 May to 7 July

Week 1:

3 May: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale 8.30am in the school hall - "UNIFORMS URGENTLY NEEDED".

3 May: PTA Meeting 7.20pm in the school staff room all welcome.

3 May to 21 June: i Spy: Kiwiana quiz - information sent home

Week 2:

12 May: Mother’s Day Gift Table - Community event


14 May: Mother’s Day

Week 6:

5 June: Queens Birthday
7 June: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
7 June: PTA Meeting

Week 8:

23 June: Mufti Day - "BLACK OUT"

Week 10:

3 to 7 July: School Art Exhibition
5 & 6 July: 3 Way Learning Conferences - PTA Calendar Artwork on display in classrooms

5 July: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

All funds raised will go towards the School Pool Upgrade.

The PTA appreciate your continued support 
to further enhance our children's learning and education.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Thank you for your support during Term 1


Thank you to the following who have supported us this term:

Local Business Directory



Family Picnic


Raji & Ajay Z

Wishing you and your families a safe holiday and looking forward to seeing you back in term 2.

Friday, 7 April 2017

2017 PTA Planned Fundraising

2017 PTA Planned Fundraising

Since November 2016 the PTA committee in consultation with the school have been planning the PTA fundraising for 2017. Below is a term by term list of the 2017 PTA Planned Fundraising.

Criteria that we took into account when determining which events we should have throughout the year:

  • Biggest return and ease of execution including time and resources invested
  • Positive outcome for children (linked to learning if possible, fun, and health and well being focus in accordance with school’s strategic aims)
  • Balance of fundraising for children and the community
  • Events spread evenly throughout the year

This year we have made a commitment to ask less from our community given that the last three years have been quite onerous on the community as well as PTA members.  It is great that we are in a position to still have some fabulous events this year without the pressure of high targets.

KEY: BLACK PTA Events - RED PTA Meetings - BLUE holidays/special days - PURPLE School Events * not all school events are included on the calendar - camps, class trips etc.

Term 1 - 1 February to 13 April

8 Feb: PTA Meeting
9 Feb: PTA Family Picnic & Meet the teacher - Community event

1 Mar: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
1 Mar: PTA AGM & Meeting

31 Mar: Mufti Day

5 April: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
5 April: PTA Meeting

2 April - School working bee - PTA to provide morning tea

Term 2 - 1 May to 7 July

3 May: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
3 May: PTA Meeting

3 May to 21 June: Kiwi-A-Thon

12 May: Mother’s Day Gift Table - Community event
14 May: Mother’s Day

5 June: Queens Birthday
7 June: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
7 June: PTA Meeting

23 June: Mufti Day

3 to 7 July: School Art Exhibition
5 & 6 July: 3 Way Learning Conferences - PTA Calendar Artwork on display in classrooms

5 July: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

Term 3 - 24 July to 29 September

2 Aug: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
2 Aug: PTA Meeting

10 Aug: Calendar Artwork Orders Due

18 Aug: Disco (Y0-2 & Y3-6)

1 Sept: Father’s Day Breakfast - Community Event
3 Sept: Father’s Day

6 Sept: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
6 Sept: PTA Meeting

15 September: Sausage Sizzle

Term 4 - 16 October to 15 December

23 Oct: Labour Day

1 Nov: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
1 Nov: PTA Meeting

10 Nov: Huff ‘n Puff - fun run

29 Nov: PTA 2018 Planning Meeting

Nov: Golf Day - date TBC

School working bee - date TBC - PTA to provide morning tea

1 Dec: Mufti Day
6 Dec: 2nd Hand Uniform - date TBC
6 Dec: PTA End of Year Dinner

7 Dec: Y6 Graduation Dinner - PTA to provide supper

PTA Fundraising Project 2017 - Pool Upgrade

The Board have asked that the PTA focus our fundraising efforts on the pool upgrade so that this can be opened to the community next summer.  

The PTA will be putting together a working committee together to look into what needs to be done, steps involved within timeline, planning and costs etc.

More information to follow.

Thank you to our wonderful volunteer PTA committee and supporters who without their support, time and enthusiasm we would not be able to continue providing these fabulous PTA events.

The PTA appreciate your continued support 
to further enhance our children's learning and education.