Thank you for visiting the PTA Blog, we are a group of enthusiastic parents and teachers that support the school and children through fundraising efforts and community events. To get all the latest PTA information please "Follow by Email" Contact us at
Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Monday, 20 November 2017
Huff 'n Puff Final date for sponsorship money date extended
Huff 'n Puff
Sponsorship money date extended
Sponsorship money date extended
The final date for the Huff 'n Puff sponsorship money has been extended to next Tuesday 28th November for students to be entered into the prize draws.
We are aiming to raise $18,600 to replace the pool heat pump.
A huge thank you for your support and for entering into the spirit of this fundraising effort.
Friday, 17 November 2017
Mufti Day 1st December
Our goal is to raise $18,600 to replace the pool heat pump so swimming is able to be started earlier in the season and extended to April.
Monday, 6 November 2017
Huff 'n Puff this Friday
The “Huff ‘n Puff” will be Sunnyhills School very own house fun run. Students will run/walk laps in year groups and each lap will be counted towards their sponsorship - each student will run a minimum of 5 laps of approximately 100m and upon completion will receive a house coloured wristband. It is expected that students can run a lap per year of their age.
There will be a whole school Chromebook prize draw, plus 21 spot prizes - 7 each for Junior, Middle and Senior Syndicates – every $10 raised will give your child one entry into the draw.
The ‘live’ draw will be at our week 8 Whole School Assembly on the 1st December.
Teacher & Parent Relay Team: There will be a parent and teacher relay team completing laps for sponsorship donations. If you would like to make a donation to this relay team you are able to do so online at school online shop, there are options of $2 for 1 lap or $5 for 3 laps.
If you are interested in joining the relay team please let the PTA know by email at
A huge thank you for your support and for entering into the spirit of this fundraising effort.
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Sausage Sizzle and Sushi Day! - Orders due by Tuesday 12th September
Sausage Sizzle and Sushi Day!
On Monday 18th September we are having a Sausage Sizzle and Sushi day at school!
All sushi is made fresh to order on Monday morning from Naru Sushi, Lunn Ave.
Options are as follows:
Meat Sausage in bread $2
Vegetarian Sausage in bread $2
Teriyaki Chicken Sushi $5.50
Teriyaki Chicken Avocado Sushi $5.50
Tuna Mayo Sushi $5.50
Salmon Avocado Sushi $5.50
Vegetarian Sushi $5.50
(All Sushi dishes consist of 5 pieces)
Teriyaki Chicken on Rice $5.00
Katsu Chicken on Rice $5.00
Please order through Kindo, via the ‘Shop’ tab on the Sunnyhills School website.
Orders must be in by Tuesday 12th September -
Thanks for your support - Sunnyhills PTA
Wednesday, 30 August 2017
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
Artwork Calendars - orders due 11th August
Final Date for Orders 11th August
Customised order forms for each student have been sent home, if you didn't receive the order form please contact the office for your child's code.
Thank you for your support for the PTA Calendar Art fundraiser in 2017.
Monday, 7 August 2017
PTA Fundraising Efforts - Pool Upgrade
Pool Upgrade Project
All funds raised in 2017 are going towards upgrading the school pool complex so it is ready for summer and can be used by our community over the summer holiday period.
The upgrade includes 2017: saltwater conversion, toilet & change and new storage facilities 2018: upgrading fencing, toilet and change refurbishment, increased seating around pool area and the possibility of solar heating.
If you are interested in helping or are able to offer assistance or any expertise with this project please contact Kylee Long email or mobile 0212479247
Friday, 4 August 2017
Father's Day Breakfast ~ 1st September ~
Friday, 1st September 2016
Sunnyhills School Hall
Sunnyhills School Hall
Between 7.00am and 8.30am
Invite Dad, Granddad, Uncle or any other special male in your life to join you at school for a fantastic breakfast, before heading into work and school for the day.
This year, based on the great feedback from last year and continuing to add interest, we are able to offer the following menu options.
MENU A – Bacon buttie
MENU B - Continental
MENU C - Hotcakes
Bacon Roll - (Bacon slices cooked on the BBQ served in a fresh bread roll with chutney/tomato sauce [optional]
Selection of cereals, fruit and yoghurt
Hotcakes with toppings (butter, maple syrup)
Choice of cooked or continental breakfast - $5.00 per person.
Nespresso flat white, long black and hot chocolate available - $3.00 per drink.
Please pay via the school website
Please order no later than Friday 25th August 2017.
Note we are unable to accept any late orders due to purchasing requirements.
Note we are unable to accept any late orders due to purchasing requirements.
Following the breakfast, children may be left in the designated classroom prior to the school bell at 8.30am as supervision will be provided. Please do not leave children unattended in the hall.
Thank you for supporting your Sunnyhills School Community
Mums, if you are available to help on the morning please provide your name & contact number to the PTA:Local Businesses Supporting the PTA in Term 3
PTA Local Directory
Thank you to the following businesses who are supporting the PTA in term 3
Do you want to reach over 350 local school families?
- For the low cost of $50 per school term...
- While supporting the Sunnyhills School PTA and the children
- Then advertise in the Sunnyhills School PTA Local Directory
- Email: for more information
Thursday, 3 August 2017
PTA Hip Hop Disco ~ 18th August ~
Friday 18th August
Junior Disco (Yr 0-2) 4:30 - 6:00pm
Senior Disco (Yr 3-6) 6:15 - 7:45pm
Tickets - $6.00 per child
Come dressed in your hip hop styles & get ready to dance!
There will be sausages & competitions to get you on the floor.
Plus, get photos booth pics with your mates to take home!
by Friday 11th August.
The disco will be fully supervised but any parents willing to help out would be most appreciated. All children must be collected from the hall by an adult at the end of each disco.
If you would like to assist on the evening for either Disco please contact Amanda 0274 958 438
Wednesday, 2 August 2017
The PTA needs your help.
We need your help. The PTA currently have a number of vacancies and help is required for:
Huff ‘n Puff Term 4: Coordinator and team required. Help organise the Huff ‘n Puff fun run in term 4.
Communication: PTA Notice Boards & PTA Blog This is an integral role within the PTA ensuring that PTA communications: Blog & noticeboards are relevant and up to date. Training and support will be provided.
Grants and Funding Team - Coordinator and Team required. A team to look into grant options available for the PTA to apply for, for all projects working on.
Cultural Event for 2018 - Coordinator and Team required. A team to organise a cultural event for 2018, incorporating the different cultures within our Sunnyhills School community.
If you are interested in helping with any of the above or for you would like more information on any of the roles please contact Kylee
Disco Helpers required for setup in the afternoon, and during both disco’s: on the doors, bbq cooking, supervision, water bottle station, distribution of sausages, end of disco and clean up. If you are able to help please contact Amanda 0274958438.
Disco Helpers required for setup in the afternoon, and during both disco’s: on the doors, bbq cooking, supervision, water bottle station, distribution of sausages, end of disco and clean up. If you are able to help please contact Amanda 0274958438.
Father's Day Breakfast Help needed on Thursday 31st August 3pm-4pm after school for hall set up, and Help on Friday morning between 6:30am-9:30am to prep, serve and clean up. All jobs will be fun and have a cheat sheet to outline what the job is. Ie serving coffee or serving cereal. Please contact Jenny
Sunday, 30 July 2017
PTA Meeting - 2 August ~ ALL WELCOME
PTA Committee Meeting
~ Wednesday 2nd August ~
at 7.20 pm
in the School Staff room.
Everyone is welcome - We would love to see you there.
Please email us at if you would like more information about the PTA.
Friday, 28 July 2017
Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Term 3 PTA Events
PTA EVENTS ~ Term 3 ~
2 Aug: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
11 Aug: Calendar Artwork Orders Due
18 Aug: Disco (Years 0-2 & Yea3rs 3-6)
1 Sept: Father’s Day Breakfast - Community Event
3 Sept: Father’s Day
6 Sept: 2nd Hand Uniform Sale
6 Sept: PTA Meeting 7.20 pm
18 Sept: Sausage Sizzle and Sushi Lunch
i Spy: Kiwiana - Live Prize Draws at term 2 final assembly
At the final assembly for term 2 we had the "Live Prize Draws" for the i Spy: Kiwiana fundraiser.

Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser we have raised over $8,500 to go towards the school pool complex upgrade.
Special thank you the for following Students & Families who raised $100 +:
Amelie T, Ryan J, Reagan T, Zaina Z, Lukas N, Noah J, Aricia H, Finlay K, Liam H, Jessica C, Daniel B, Kiralee J, Na'eemah D, Jayrett C
VARGA Family, NG Family, MUIR Family, KIRKE Family, JOHNSON Family, HOGAN Family, HOLMES Family, JASKIC Family, CORBETT Family
Thursday, 6 July 2017
Goodbye to Mrs Newman
Today Sunnyhills School said goodbye to Mrs Newman.
At today's assembly the PTA presented Mrs Newman with some flowers for all the work she has done for the PTA over many years, she was on the committee when her 3 daughters attended Sunnyhills School and was the Teacher’s representative when she started back teaching in 2010.
Good bye and Good luck at your new school Mrs Newman - we will miss you.
Monday, 26 June 2017
Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand

Congratulations Emirates Team New Zealand for bringing the America's Cup back to NZ.
We are proud of all the team.
In 2014 Rob "Salty" Salthouse who is part of the shore crew on ETNZ shared "Salty's Scones" in the Local Identities and Celebrities section of the Sunnyhills School recipe book "A bite of Sunnyhills"
Rob Salthouse who is part of ETNZ team shares his mums family favourite scone recipe in Sunnyhills School "A bite of Sunnyhills "cook book |
We have a limited number of copies
still available for $10.
Copies can be purchased at the school office.
Awesome work ETNZ
Calendar Art 2017 - PTA fundraiser
This year the PTA are doing this fundraiser differently from previous years with the introduction of the School Arts Week and new online ordering for parents.
Classes are currently creating the artwork for the calendars ready for Arts week. Thank you to our amazing teachers for their creativity and support with this.
We are asking teachers to display the artwork calendars in their classrooms so that parents have the opportunity to view during the 3 Way Learning Conferences on the 5th & 6th July.
We will then send all the artwork to Abacus who will process the images and put online.
Customised order forms will be sent home in term 3 with students and parents will be able to order online - there is the option to purchase premium or classic calendars, kids notepads, diaries, cards and mousepads using either students artwork or a photo that can be uploaded.
Thank you in advance for your support for the PTA Calendar Art fundraiser in 2017.