Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Hot Diggity Dog - American Hot Dog Lunch - 4th July

"Hot Diggity Dog"
AMERICAN Hotdog lunch
American Style Hot Dogs - $2.50
Lemonade ice blocks - $1.50
Juice box -$1.00
Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream tubs - $2.00

Please place your child/s lunch order through
our new online payment system.

All orders must be received by Thursday 30th June.

The PTA thanks you for your ongoing support.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Disco - Thank you's

Last night we had our Black & White Disco.

It was great to see the children having so much fun with their friends dancing.

A special thank you to the PTA Disco Team: Louisa C, Sarah B, Tracey B, Amanda P who organised this brilliant fun filled evening.

Thank you to all the wonderful people who helped out during the night: setting up, cooking sausages, on the door, in the kitchen handing out sausages, on the food stands, on the photo booth, handing out chips and the clean up afterwards.  

Thank you also to the superb teaching staff who came along and supported the disco, it was great to see your amazing dancing skills.

Thank you to our school community, the children and parents who came along and made the evening so much fun.

Check out the school Facebook page has photos and videos from the evening.

Tuesday, 7 June 2016


Reminder that the P.T.A. 


is on this Friday night - 10th June.  

The cost is $5 per child.  


If you would like to order tickets please send in your order form and money tomorrow.