Sunday, 29 May 2016

PTA Notices

Thank you for participating in the Flags of the World fundraiser.  All sponsorship money should be returned by Friday 3rd June 2016.


2nd Hand Uniform Sale in the hall this Wednesday 1st June - 8.30am to 9am

Needed all sizes of GIRLS & BOYS second hand uniforms
The PTA are in need of second hand uniforms to sell on your behalf. 
For more information

PTA Committee meeting - this Wednesday 1st June, 
7.20 pm for a 7.30 pm start Sunnyhills School Staff room 
Everyone is welcome - We would love to see you there.



The PTA thank you for your continued support 

Monday, 23 May 2016



Your Sunnyhills Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a committee of over 30 enthusiastic parents all wanting to support our teachers, children and community of Sunnyhills School to maximise the learning experience and purchase articles that otherwise may not be able to be funded. 

It is important to us that we are on the right track with the fundraising events that we are doing and if the things we spend the profits on satisfy the community’s expectations. 

Your feedback on how we are doing is important to us, so we would really appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey. Please follow the link below to the online survey and once you have completed the survey, hit the submit button and we will receive the results. 

Please note that this is an anonymous survey and no one from the PTA or the school will be able to see any personal details. 

If you do wish to discuss anything further, you are welcome to add your name to the comments field. 如果您想对某些事项有进一步的讨论,欢迎您在意见栏留下姓名。 

Please complete the survey by 27 May 2016. 

Thank you Your Sunnyhills PTA committee

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

I Spy Flags Reminders

Sponsorship Forms returned to school by Friday 20th May

Please return your sponsorship form by Friday (tomorrow) so they can be used as a marking guide and will be returned to you on Monday when you have your TEST! 

Mufti Day on Monday 23rd May - $2 donation

Monday is also an opportunity to wear mufti of the colours of your flag, national costume or sports team that you support. $2/gold coin donation. 

Thank you for your continued support towards fundraising for the senior courtyard stage 2!

Thursday, 12 May 2016

New Families Morning Tea

This morning the PTA are welcoming new families to Sunnyhills School with a morning tea. 
We are lucky to have the support of our local cafe The Burbs - 190 Fisher Parade who have kindly donated these yummy muffins and slices.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

PTA Volunteer of the Term Awards

Without the valuable contribution of our volunteer committee members and helpers the PTA would not be able to provide our community and fundraising events,raising significant funds that contribute to increasing the schools resources and facilities available for all our students.

At our May meeting we presented awards in recognition of outstanding contribution to the PTA during Term 1.

Congratulations to the following committee members who received the Term 1 Volunteer of the Term awards:

Invitation to all New Sunnyhills School Families


To All New Families at 

Sunnyhills School

All new families to Sunnyhills School are invited to 

morning tea on

Friday 13th May 2016

from 9a.m.-10a.m. in the school staffroom.

Morning tea will be provided by the P.T.A.

It will be a great opportunity to meet other new families and our principal Mrs Driver.

Members of the P.T.A. will be available to answer any questions you may have.

For catering purposes can you please RSVP at the Office by Wednesday 11th May if you are able to attend.

Hope you can join us.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

It's Coming, the PTA's new fundraiser...

I-Spy: Flags of the World 
is coming to a class near you...

Are you ready?  

Notices will be sent out next week with all the information.  Click on "herefor a sneak peek and to start learning your flags today.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Mother's Day Table final orders due today

Final day for Mother's Day orders!

The wonderful ladies organising this year's Mother's Day Table have put together some amazing gifts.


If you would like to have your child choose something special for you this mother's day please send $5 to school in an envelope with your child's name and class details included today.

Thank you to Laura B, Angela J and Tina F for their super organising skills and the wonderful wrapping helpers last night.