Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Look at the Article in the Howick & Pakuranga Times

We made it into the local paper for our Golf Day and having a new Principal - Take a look - 

Justine Driver, principal of Sunnyhills School, with Des Topp, general manager Pakuranga Golf Club and real estate agent Marie Raos who donated $5000 to the school.Times photo Wayne Martin

Make sure you get your Team Entry Forms in or get your business to sponsor a hole! Team entries must be in by 28th April 2016.


Check out our listing on Eventfinda http://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2016/east-auckland-golf-networking-day/auckland/howick

If you have any questions, contact us on ptagolfday@gmail.com, we’re happy to help.

Jason Lee and The PTA Golf Team


The PTA is holding its popular fund-raising sausage sizzle on
Monday 4th April 2016

Meat and vegetarian sausages (in bread) are available for lunch at a cost of $2 each.

Lemonade ice blocks (normal size)-will also be available to purchase for $1.00 each.

Please complete the pre-order form on the school website to order sausages and ice blocks for lunch through the classroom.

Orders and money to be in no later than 
Friday 1st April

Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Money Bunny Raffle Results

Congratulations to the winners of the Money Bunny raffle.

  • Susan Guo
  • Janita Isaacs
  • Amanda Pritchard

Check out the draw on the Sunnyhills School Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/sunnyhillsschool/

Thanks for supporting this fundraiser, we raised $825!

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Golf Day Fundraiser

We’re raising money to transform our senior student courtyard into an all-year-round learning hub for the benefit of all students.
Here's how you can be involved:

  1. Register a team of 4 people for $300
  2. Sponsor a hole - be in quick not many left
  3. Donate a prize
Registration form & sponsorship info: http://bit.ly/pta_golf
Pakuranga Golf Rules/dress code: http://bit.ly/pgc_rules

Thanks to Marie Raos - Ray White, Howick for being a key sponsor and OnForm Signs who will be printing our sponsorship signs!
Please email any queries (& registration forms) to: ptagolfday@gmail.com 
Check out the Sunnyhills School Facebook page and the School Website for the latest information on the Golf Day.

Make sure to share this with friends and family.

Please note this is an event for Adults only.

The PTA thank you for your support.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Money Bunny Raffle - last chance to go in the draw

Money Bunny Raffle is to be drawn tomorrow Wednesday 24th March - please send raffle tickets and money to school tomorrow to go in the draw.

PTA Local Directory

Do you own a Business????
If so then have the Sunnyhills PTA got a deal for you!!

For the small cost of $50 a term you can advertise your business in the PTA Local Directory. This directory is attached to all school newsletters, and goes to every Sunnyhills family electronically each fortnight. Reaching approximately 400+ families! 

What better way to get your business name out and about around the local community and even better it isn't going to cost you a fortune in marketing expenses.

We encourage our Sunnyhills community to support the businesses that help us.

Check out the latest School Newsletter and see which local businesses are already advertising by clicking "here"

If you would like to take advantage of this extremely competitive marketing initiative then feel free to email the PTA at pta@sunnyhills.school.nz with your business card attached and we’ll be in touch.

The PTA are grateful for your support !!!

Thursday, 3 March 2016


The PTA are raising money to transform our senior courtyard into an all-year-round learning hub for the kids. 

And so, we’re having a Golf Day - 13th May at Pakuranga Golf Club 

We’re proud to announce that we have on board 

as our key sponsor.  

Marie has a long-standing relationship with our school.  Her children went to Sunnyhills and she was an active member on the school board.

More information to follow on how you can enter a team, sponsor a hole or donate a prize.

Jason Lee & The PTA Golf Team
Email us

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


It was wonderful to see so many parents attend last nights AGM and meeting.

Thank you to Nicky Bardin, Saskia Huggard, Anna Hansford and Laura Beattie who completed their two years as officers on the committee, these ladies have done an amazing job in leading and supporting the PTA and school.

Congratulations to our new officers who were elected at last nights AGM: Kylee Long - Chairperson, Jenny Robb - Vice Chairperson, Ali Wilton - Secretary and Diane Luo - Treasurer.

At the conclusion of the AGM we had the opportunity to view the new senior courtyard before it is officially opened once the final painting touches have been done.

The PTA are excited and proud to be supporting this upgrade which will benefit all our students.  

At the end of 2015 the PTA donated $70,000 for stage 1, which is nearly completed.  

In 2016 the PTA are aiming to raise $60,000 to go towards stage 2 of the upgrade - this will enable the courtyard to be covered and transformed into an all year round learning hub for our students.

Thank you to everyone that came along.

If you would like to know more about the PTA you can contact us at pta@sunnyhills.school.nz