Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Next PTA Meeting - all welcome

A reminder that the next PTA meeting is:

When:  Wednesday 2nd September,

Time:    7.30pm

Where:     Sunnyhills School Staffroom

Everyone is welcome :-)

Thursday, 20 August 2015



The PTA's popular Father's Day Breakfast community event 
is happening on: 

Friday 4th September 

in the School hall

from 7am to 8.30am.

Invite Dad, Granddad, Uncle or any other special male in your life to join you at school for a fantastic and healthy continental breakfast before heading into work for the day. 

There will be a variety of cereal, toasts, muffins, fruit, tea and coffee available. The cost for breakfast is $5.00 per person. Entry is with a ticket. 

Please bring your money in no later than
Monday 31st August 2015

See school notice for more information.

All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Mums, if you are available to help on the morning please provide your name & contact number on the notice form.

Thank you for supporting your Sunnyhills School Community 

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

PTA Fundraising Term 3

The PTA have a busy Term of Fundraising ahead with some great events happening! 

The PTA fundraising efforts are focused on supporting the Board of Trustees with the upgrade of the Senior Courtyard and raising $70,000 to contribute towards this.

The PTA's popular Father's Day Breakfast is happening on Friday 4th September in the school hall from 7am to 8.30am.  It is a chance for children to come along with their dad/grandfather/uncle/male carer and share a Continental breakfast together and see around school.

The PTA is holding a fundraising family movie night in the school hall, on Friday 11th September, doors open at 6.30pm with the movie "Penguins of Madagascar" to start at 7pm.  

Food is available for purchase on the night: Sausage Sizzle, Domino's Pizza, Popcorn, Chocolate and Drinks.  

Cost per family ticket is $10, with the option to pre order a family pizza for an additional $10.  

All children on the night must be accompanied by an adult.


This term classrooms will be working on artwork for each child's individual design.  

Look out for the order form that will be sent home towards the end of the term, dates for viewing of children's artwork will also be advised.  

Makes for an easy and creative Christmas gift. 

Delivery will be during of term 4.  

Thank you to the teaching staff for their wonderful creativity and assistance with this fundraiser.


The Whittaker's Chocolate Fundraiser is a great money earning fundraiser for the PTA.  Look out for delicious Whittaker's Chocolates coming home at the end of September.

 Thank you for supporting the PTA fundraising efforts.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

PTA Sausage Sizzle - Term 3

PTA Monthly Meeting - August update

At Wednesday nights August PTA meeting it was great to have some new dad's along to find out about the PTA and how they can become involved.  

Sharon Knofflock presented the teachers report, giving us an update of what each syndicate is currently studying, great topics and trips planned to enhance this learning. We were given a thank you card by Karen Yates for the Playhouse - see photo.

Richard Snijders from the Board of Trustees presented the Board report and gave us an update of the upgrade of the senior courtyard, funds and PTA support required for this - more information to follow on this.

Sub committee reports and upcoming fundraising events discussed: Sausage sizzle, Calendars, Movie Night, Whittakers Chocolates, Fathers Day Breakfast and Second Hand Uniforms.

If you are interested in joining or helping with the PTA, please email us at PTA@sunnyhills.school.nz or watch out for the PTA notices with requests for help required.

PTA meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm in the School Staff Room for dates please view the school calendar http://www.sunnyhills.school.nz/community-calendar

The PTA are always grateful and encouraging of new members to become involved and join the PTA.  It is a fun way get to know other families, find out what is happening throughout the school and contribute to the school in a positive way.